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fishy situation......

23 11:02:09

I recently bought a 1 gallon fish tank with filter and bubbler for a small surprise for my husband. the picture on the box however was deceiving showing five that's what I bought. Two tetras, a guppy, a glo danio, and a panda cory. not surprisingly 3 of the 5 died that day, leaving me with the danio and the cory. Sadly the other two parrished overnight. The next day I replace the danio and the cory with one more of each. they have been fine for about 2 weeks tonight however I found the danio dead. it looks as if its belly was bitten or that its stomach ruptured. I am giving up on the danios and want to fill the small space with a bigger more appealing and easier to keep fish such as the betta, I want to know if my cory and a betta will be ok together. I know I need to get a bigger tank soon but we can't afford it right now.....please give me some good advice for my fishy situation....thank you!

Unfortunately, a 1 gallon tank is not big enough for one fish. The Betta has to be in noting less than 2.5 gallons, where 5 gallons is best. The cory also cannot be in that size tank. I would suggest waiting until you can get a bigger tank before you buy more fish. Also, make sure you are going through the 6 week cycle process before you add any fish to the tank.