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New Tank!

23 14:02:36

I had my 30 gallontank set up for a week and i bought a pair of platies, 8 glowlight tetras and two dwarf neon gourmais.  They have been in there two weeks now.  Is it safe to add anymore fish? and which fish are good to add?

Thanks a lot for reading my question Jack :)

Thanks a lot for asking me a question, Jack!

Automatically, I want to suggest a betta for your 30g, but I'm a betta girl, through and through.  They love large tanks with things like livebearers and skittish tetras to boss around, but gouramis aren't always a good mix, and sometimes the tetras will nip flowing betta fins

First and foremost, you should not have more than 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of water.  Aaannnddd that doesn't mean having one 30 inch fish in a 30 gallon!  Small fish is much better, I like where you seem to be going with your tank.

Things to avoid are cichlids(including angels), "common" plecostamus, anything that's going to get large, or agressive.

I'd think about getting more platies, especially if it's a male/female pairing.  It's suggested having them in trios(two F, one M), to keep the male from harassing one female, but I find that they work best in higher female to male ratios.  Normally I like having a harem of four or more females per male.

You should also have some sort of bottom feeder.  In that tank, if you can get it, a bristlenosed pleco would work well(again, no common ones!)  They're the only type of pleco that I know of that doesn't get HUGE.  Or you could go with corydora's(a trio at least), an upside down catfish, otos or flying foxes(not chinese/siamese algae eaters, they get large as well).

More glowlight tetras would fit well, or other similar types of tetras - they will all school together.  Danios are also cute and zippy like the tetras.  Some barbs are ok, but I would stay away from tigers.  More gouramis, different types of livebearers, basically anything that's not going to get large or agressive.  As I don't know what's available in your particular area, I don't know what to suggest.

As for adding fish, if the water isn't clouding, and the fish aren't sick, you should be safe.  Kudos to you for waiting a week before putting in fish, and then waiting another 2 weeks for the tank to adjust.  I wouldn't go out and buy quite that many more fish at one time now, but do it slowly.  If you don't have one, I'd consider getting a quarantine tank, to keep new fish separate from your old, already healthy fish.

Just be sure to read up on fish you may be interested in before buying them.  If in doubt, don't buy it right away, wait and google it when you get home.  Obviously don't buy anything that's sick, and don't buy fish from places like Walmart, where all the tank filters run together.  One sick fish in a place like that puts all your fish at risk!