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Is my Goldfish dying?

23 15:05:22

Mr. Robbins thank you for your previous answer.

My year old goldfish is not eating yet, and even though it does not look as distressed as before, it's not looking as better as i expected. I have the feeling that it's dying. Please help know if there is anything I can do.

I just want to know that i did what was possible. His body does not have as much loose skin as he had before, yet it looks like little white spots of loose skin and some are like dirt, both not noticeable unless seeing very close. But inside his open mouth, with which he breathes now, I can see some of that white-looking stuff; It's like loose skin that moves as it breathes but they look like little balls. Also, around his gills and under its mouth, the creases made by the skin have a reddish color.

Do you think he might have infection? For how long do they go without food?

I am still making 25% water changes daily and applying water treatment. What else can I do?

Thank you very much.

Hi Elvira;

He might need an antibiotic if he has any redness. This usually indicates a bacterial infection. Use a fish medicine that has "tetracycline".

What looks like "dirt" or blackish areas on him is from ammonia burns. Ammonia was elevated while the other fish were in there. The dark areas are kinda like 'scabs'. It does mean they are trying to heal though so that's a good sign.

Fish that were previously healthy can go at least a week with no food. It is better that he isn't eating right now anyway. His body is using it's energy to heal so it doesn't have enough energy to digest food. If there is leftover food in the tank you will need to siphon that out. Rotting food will cause toxins too, even in spite of water changes being made. If you stir the bottom a bit and crud (poo and leftover food) comes up it may be necessary to drain the whole tank and rinse it out. Even though it is more stressful for him to go through that instead of just partial water changes, it will be necessary in order to eliminate the bigger problem.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins