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Couple of guppy questions

23 14:01:32

Hi Jack, I've been trying to breed my guppies for the last month or so and some of them look like they are about to burst with babies. Would this be a good time to move them into a nursery tank? Also, I noticed this morning when I got of from work that one female guppy was very thin compared to the other females. She was sitting on the bottom by herself and she had some very thin red cords hanging from where she may have given birth. Is that a sign that she did indeed have babies? There were none to be seen in the tank. But then I suppose they were probably eaten by all the other guppies or sucked into the filter. But the oddest thing is after I work up this afternoon, I looked around for that female guppy to see how she was doing. I found her in the jaws of my apple snail. Did she die before the snail got to her?

Hey Bill

If they look like they are fit to biurt then yes, indeed move them!

If she looked thin, she probably did give birth and the red cords give it away aswell.

I am so sorry for your loss!  Snails will eat the occasional dead fish so she was dead before he ate her.

Hope this helps and Good Luck with the Babies!!!              Jack