Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > mY PINK KISSING gourami


23 14:39:06

my gourami is kinda just kicking back in the back of the tank and she is a little blackish and she is missing some scales on the top of her head? I was just wonder what could be causing this Her tankmates are 2 african cichlids , a suckerfish, a catfish, another pink kissing gourami, 2 dwarf blue gouramis and that is it i do beilieve

Hello Desiree-

Your kissing gourami is probably being terrorized by the cichlids and the other gouramis. Dark coloration usually indicates strong emotion in fish, and in this case it's probably fear. Both gouramis and cichlids often bite scales off of other fish, even other gouramis. Your fish is probably the least dominant in  the tank, and is getting bullied by one or more of the others.

Add some aquarium salt and Melafix to the water to promote scale regrowth, and watch the fish to see if you can  determine who the bullies are. You could also try adding more plants/caves for her to hide in.

Hope this is helpful,
Amber Worman