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very ill black moor

23 14:14:39

my poor fish is very sick. I thought he was a black moor have had him for about 8 years. About 5 years ago he changed colour and is now entirely orange. has had large round growths on fins for a few years (have tried everything to treat this with no sucess) now has cotton wooly growths on other fins and what looks like an ulcer on body. My husband is responsible for them (one other in large 50-60 litre tank) we have bacterial filter no live plants. Now poor sharkie is upside down at bottom of tank cant get upright not eating (fed on dried pellets at top of tank) cant swim straight or at all. am medicating for swim bladder adn have added salts at 5g per litre or gallon? can i change water now there is first dose of medicatin in it? please help i am so worried that he is going to die and i cannot help him.

Justine,                                                     Go ahead and keep treating him for swim bladder...... and also treat for fungus. If you take water out do it now. Then start a 7 day regiment and no water changes. Take out the carbon if you are using carbon filter. Replace after 7 days. You can also feed him a pea squeezed between your fingers once a day for a week. After all this is over feed him a pea once a week and a half a slice of orange held in a veggy clip you can get from your pet shop. Great for vitamin C and he will love it.He has lived pretty long and black mors are notorious for changing colors as they get older. They can live up to 15 yrs in captivity. I hope you have alot more enjoyable ys with him. Good Luck,Tina