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ill goldfish

23 14:14:38

My Goldfish is 2 yrs old in a tank on his own. Recently he has become more and more sluggish until I returned home this evening and he is lay on the bottom of his tank not moving at all except his gills. We have tried treatments for swim Bladder and rotate his food daily from Dried flakes to bloodworm. He is a lot paler than usual can you suggest and imediate treatment we could try please

Danielle,                                                    The only thing I can suggest is feeding a pea squeezed between your fingers everyday for a week. It helps prevent infection like swim bladder.Does he look exceptionally swollen in the belly? If he does I would add aquarium salt to his tank to help him release himself of excess liquids from his body. I would do that anyway it is beneficial to him. 1 tabsp per 5 gallons. Stop the blood worms he is a vegetarian. To rich in protein. You can also feed him a half slice of orange in a veggy clip. You can get that from your local pet shop. Very high in vitamin C and he will love it. Maybe he has outgrown his tank. If he has his wastes themselves may be killing him. Good Luck, Tina