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Swollen white eyes

23 11:55:20

I have a ten gallon tank with a heater and filter. I use aquarium salt and water conditioner. My bettas recently had ick. I used quick cure and I am on my fifteenth day of using. The bottle and fish websites said after fourteen days the fish should be better. Yet, now three of the four female betta have swollen white eyes. Both eyes are covered with the white stuff and the eye pokes out. Is it popeye? What is it? Do they still have ick? What should I do?

Hi Tiffany:
I think I recently answered one of your other questions, and if the eyes are now poking out, the Beta do have popeye. Change the water every third day. It is important to have healthy water conditions when the Beta is recovering from popeye. Add Ampicillin, an antibiotic that will heal popeye. One capsule will treat a 10 gallon tank. The reason that your Beta got popeye was because the water conditions were not healthy enough. Please take a step to clean your Beta's water as much as possible!! Good luck with your fish!! :)