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Sick Chiclid: wht stuff on fins

23 13:55:52

Dear Mr. Coleman,
Hello, very glad to see there is a place to ask an expert questions.  I have a 'red devil' chiclid that is 2.5 yrs old.  She (I think she is a she since she doesn't have the big hump in the front) is in a 45 gallon tank by herself.  She has been very healthy until today I noticed she has been hiding in the corner with her nose into the gravel and her fin up.  She (her name is Lucy) usually comes out to great me and interacts.  She has this white stuff on her fins. Top and side fins..  Is this fungus?  How did she get it and how can I fix it?  She just had a water change over the weekend so not sure what happened?
Thanks for your help
Best Regards,

Hi Suzanne,
   Hmm....  is it possible that there was something in either the new water or maybe the bucket that you used for the water change?   

  Do you remove the chlorine from the water before adding it?  

  Does it look like the outer layer of skin is sort of sloughing off?

  When you did the last water change, was the water that you added MUCH colder than the tank water?

  I assume that the heater and filter on the tank are working properly.

-- Ron
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