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Fantail shredded tails and fins

23 14:44:51

Hello, my two fantails have got totally shredded tails and fins, i had to change to whole tank of water a week ago as the tank had to be moved, i put all the correct treatments in for the new water. They also seem to have got pale bodies and bubbles of air are sticking to them. They are both about 2 years old and this has never happened before, although i have never doena full water change either. Please help as i think they look really ill.

Hi Lisa;

The tank is probably going through a break-in period after being disturbed so much. It happens sometimes when you have to move a tank. Make a 25% water change every day until they feel better. It will reduce the toxins that are probably rising right now. Aquarium salt and Melafix will help too. They both soothe irritated tissues and help prevent infection and the melafix will help their fins regrow.

I hope they feel better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins