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Sick cichlid

23 11:29:56

Hi I got a new blood parrot a week ago and after two-three days it started to look sick and she was tilting on a side on the graval lening against the tank wall. We got this medication for her;Name:Mardel Maracyn Plus antibacteria for mouth fungus popeye dropsy and ulcers. We put that in she got a little better but that medication killed 4 of our other fish. And now shes doing that again shes leaning on the rocks and her coulor is fading away and she has these block lines in her eyes and it look like she had a swollen fin/gill area she look extremly sick. She is also not eating like she was regularly.  I realy dont want to  lose her. Could you please tell me whats wrong with her. ASAP (my tank is 25 gal, with a graval filter, i also have a tetra whisper EX30, and a I also have a Fluval under water filter all of them are on. I also have a heater and and air pump for the underwater filter). I have 10 fishes in total; one sword fish(male), two algea eaters, two angel fish, one shark, one black neon tetra, one white skirt tetra, one cat fish, my blood parrot cichlid (1)the sick one i wrote about and this one gourmea fish I think thats what its call.
Thank You  

Hi Saher,
 Unfortunately that sounds like a very sick fish and I don't know that there is anything you can do for it.  I strongly suggest you isolate it from your other fish.

-- Ron C.
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