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5 gallon tank, what fish is best?

23 14:13:36

Hi Ron,

I have a 5 gallon tank in the process of its first fishless cycle. I have a AquaClear 20 filter system, and an adjustable heater.  There are also a few plastic plants, a ceramic driftwood, and gravel.  Ph and such hasn't been checked since I have to make adjustments according to which fish to get.

I've been scouring the internet for some fishes I could possibly get, and not really too much luck.  My friend reccomends tetra, guppy, molly, dwarf gourami, and platy.  He says no more than 3 in the tank.  I'm also thinking of an oto, or an algae eater of some sort, but I'm not sure if my tank will even grow algae due to its small size.

I'm looking for some more colorful fish, and nothing too small like cardinal/neon tetras.  Could you offer some fish combinations for me? That would be great.

Also, due to the size of my tank, should I get all the fish at once so that there is no territorial issue?  Or should I still introduce one fish at a time?

Thank you!

Hi Judy,
  There are lots of smaller fish (hundreds in fact).  About 3 fish would be good and you can also put in an otocinclus (algae eater).   You might take a look at some of the dwarf cichlids (Apistogramma species); however, you will most likely only find them at a very good fish store that carries specialty fishes.

 You can get them all at once if you like.

-- Ron
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