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Convict Compatability

23 11:50:46

I currently have a hybred Black Convict - He is the result of an accidental breeding of a "Convict Parrot" or "Jelly bean Cichlid" and my Cichasoma Nigrofasiatum. He used to happily reside in my larger tank along side my Cichlasoma Octofasciatum, my "Parrot fish" (it's one of the hybred kinds - He was orange, now he's orange and black), my Cichasoma Nigrofasciatum (who has since passed away) and my two "convict parrots/Jellybean Cichlids"(both female). However he sadly had to be removed from the tank because I couldn't keep up with the hundreds of little fish he and the Jellybeans were producing with increasing frequency (literally hundreds every 2-3 weeks). I had no where to go with all those little fish. They made such wonderful parents that usally close to 1/2 of the fry would not only survive, but thrive! He now has his own home in a 30 gallon tank, all by himself. He is about 3 years old and approximatly 4 in. long. True to his parentage, he's extreamly agressive - even attaching his food when I feed him. I would like to get my fiesty fellow a tank mate that won't result in more little bundles of hybred fry or in the death of the new fish. Is there any fish that might get along in relative harmony in my limited space? Or is he doomed to a life of solitude?

Hi Becky,
 He doesn't really need or want a roommate.  Fish are perfectly happy to live in solitude.  In fact, it sounds like he will treat any new roommate with great hostility until he gets rid of it.  

-- Ron
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