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Flower Horn Fish care

23 11:51:53


I have a ZZ flower horn fish kept in a small tank. He has grown to 3 inches now and I want to move him to a large community tank. The 4 ft community tank has oscars and red parrots that are 10inches in size. Can i move the flowerhorn to the tank? Can they be the amicable tankmates...

ANSWER: Hi Baliji,
  Most likely the oscars will simply eat the flowerhorn.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your guidance Ron. I moved the FH to big tank yesterday and monitored the movements for over 4-5 Hrs. It seems to taken well to the new tank and the oscars are also friendly. My oscars are not very aggressive and can tolerate other fish. Infact I also have a 3inch red devil in the same tank and it now grown big. I have moved the red devil to the small tank and put the FH in the big one. Everything seems fine at the moment... Can I continue to grow the same way???

Hi Baliji,
 I can almost guarantee that eventually the oscars will eat the smaller fish. It may not be today, or tommorrow or next week, but eventually the smaller fish will disappear.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>