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Ballon Bellied Mollies

23 14:06:05

I bought 3 mollies and the lady that picked them out for me said that they were all males. well, after 2 days of being in there new home, the black 'male' had babies. I had know idea on what to do. then, out of no where, my white male ate one of the babies! So, I got really scared and i set up a smaller aquarium to put the babies in. I used water from the tank they were born in to fill the smaller tank. I was only able to find 6 of the baby mollies. Now, I have 2 orange, 2 grey, adn 2 black baby mollies. I gave them lots of hiding places to hide in. Now, I'm lost and have know idea on what to do with the baby mollies.


Hi KaLee;

Baby mollies are pretty easy to care for. Feed them 3 times a day. A commercially prepared baby fish food is good but regular fish food is just fine. Just crumble it up very tiny. Once they grow large enough that the adult fish couldn't get the babies into their mouths they can go back in the main tank as long as there is room. Or, once they get bigger, see if your local fish store will let you trade them in for some fish food or something.

Make a 25% daily water change in the baby tank. It will help them grow fast and also helps them survive the "break-in period" that their new little tank has to go through. The break-in period takes about 6 weeks. Here is a link to my web page about the break-in and how to get your fish through it safely;

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins