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my fish r dying n i dont knw why !!

23 13:56:29

i had 8 gold fishes a pair of regular goldfish, a pair o black goldfish, a pair of clown fish n a pair of red-head goldfish n a pair of black angel fish.. they lived good 21/2 year n black angel is bought recently a 2 two weeks back.. but any black goldfish i bring dies in 24 hours n one of the black pair survived nearly 2 years.. but now they all dying one by one... n i can seeee wat's wrong.. one from each pair almost died.. i change water weekly n fed very moderate n they water is d-clorinated as well ?? wat do i do ??

Yesha,                                                                  You didn't say how large the tank was. Anyway your problem is too much fish and not enough water. Remember your fish grow and as they grow they put out more ammonia. Especially goldfish. You can get a larger tank or maybe a second water change during the week.Doing too many water changes may stress them out if,but since they are used to once a week I think you will be fine.I would definitely think about a larger tank. Your water discoloring in a week and an odor too I am sure with your goldies is a definite sign of ammonia building up in your water. Good Luck....Tina