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betta & too many bubbles in his water

23 15:08:58

One of our bettas has lots of bubbles at the top of his fish bowl.  We have 7 bettas, so we wondered why this one's water gets so bubbly and cloudy sooner.  He has a 1/2 gallon bowl, we treat the water with Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner once a week.  I am in the habit of changing 100% of the water at the same time.  I do make sure it is the right temp.

Also, how big do bettas get?  Thank you very much.

Hi Tina;

The bubbles are because he is a happy boy! He has made a bubble nest to prepare for a female to spawn with.

Male Bettas get about 3 inches long.

Here is more info about bettas in general, including pics;

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Chris Robbins

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