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how long can cichlid survive with out food

23 11:07:10

I just finish completely stock my new 46g tank with two red blood parrot cichlids, one firemouth, one convict cichlid, and one segeral bichir. I am about to go on a 5-6 days vacation. So can all my cichlids and bichir survive this long with out food. or do i have to get an Automatic Feeder (i am on a realy tight budget rite now so i want to safe as much money as posible)
thx for ur help


 Cichlids can go for quite awhile without eating. Make sure you feed them before you leave, but don't over feed. 5-6 days should be ok. The only problem I see is that they are new fish and sometimes tend to have problems. The automatic feeders are not good to use so I wouldn't worry about getting one. They tend to cloud the water and make it very bad. Good luck.