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I think my betta has a broken back

23 13:57:51

Hi, I recently went on vacation and took my betta to a friends to watch him. He got really depressed and freaked out by the move and wouldn't eat or swim around much. When I got him back he was physically fine but again mentally freaked out. After I cleaned his tank and was putting him back in his tank he really freaked out and jumped out of his tank onto the counter. I was right there and was able to get him right back in the tank but now he only stays at the top of his tank and barely eats and doesn't swim with his tail fin only his pectoral fins. When he tries to swim with his tail he ends up in a little ball swimming in circles. I feel horrible for him because there's nothing I can do. Is there anything I can do? This is my 7 year old son's fish and he has sworn to stay by Fishy's side till he's better and not let him die. Please help!

Hello Ryane -

Thankfully, most bettas who make a "leap of freedom" are able to recover just fine. Because of their small mass, they are able to fall a fairly long distance without getting hurt (their terminal velocity doesn't get high enough to injure them when they land.) Also, because they are anabantoids (air-breathers) they can survive without water for a few hours. I don't think your betta has sustained such a serious injury as a broken spine, but he may well have been stunned by the incident (sudden exposure to air, much colder temperatures, sudden impact, etc.) Either way, I recommend warming his tank by a few degrees (80-83 F) to help him recover. Adding a small amount of Melafix (can be found at WalMart) will help him regrow his slime coat if any of it was rubbed off during the incident. Keep him in a quiet place, and try to reduce the stress of loud sounds and bright lights. He probably won't accept food for a few days, but you can offer some. With a little TLC, he should recover within a week.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman