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Weird string stuff

23 14:46:55

Dear Chris,
          (one betta-2.5 tank-whisper filter-heater and light)
          I recently noticed,just tonight actually,that in my bettas tank there was some stuff growing.On all the decerations and plants,and some of the gravel,therd's mossy,foggy,white stringy stuff.Its not on the betta itself thogh.I clean his tank about 50% once a week.Its been about for weeks so i changed the filter cartrige,(or what ever it is called,cause its a carbon filter.The carbon goes in this baggy thing)
      I want to get a "vacuum" for cleaning the gravel,but dont know were to get one.

Thanks a lot!!

Hi Ben;

The white stuff could be a fungus or something growing on excess food and waste. I would take all the decorations out and clean them with hot water. Don't use soap or chemicals or anything. Just rinse and rub it all off and replace. Make sure you aren't overfeeding your little guy. He must finish all the food you give him. Only feed a little tiny bit once a day. If he hasn't been eating as much as usual, the water quality may be not-so-good, or maybe the temperature is too low? Bettas need their water to be 76f to 80f all the time. If the weather has cooled recently where you live, he may not be eating much just from being cold.

There are little mini-vacs available at online stores. Here is a link to a search with several choices. I'm not endorsing any stores or vendors, just a few suggestions;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins