Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > sick cory

sick cory

23 11:47:49

QUESTION: Hi Lynda, I have just noticed that one of the cory catfish, Lucky seems to have bits of scale missing. He's been through the mill. I really don't know why this has happened to him but I do know I love him and don't want him to die. I've got my cats ashes back. They are in a csket that is sealed shut and won't open no matter what. I'm glad it wonlt open. The patch on Lucky where he seems to have missing scales is right in the centre of his body. It looked fine this morning but I have just looked again and it has definatley got missing scales. There is a pleco in college. I call them fishzilla because they grow so big. They do a brilliant job cleaning the tank though. They still look creepy when they stick to the tank like they do looking for algea.
Danielle. The goldfish are very happy today.

ANSWER: Hi Danielle,
This little cory has really had a hard time!  Check your water to be sure there is no ammonia in it.  Is he getting bitten by another fish?  Check to see if this is the cause.  If not you will have to treat him with a good antibiotic.  I know you have problems getting antibiotics in your country, so ask the Pet Store Manager what he could give you to cure the little cory.  He should know where you can buy antibiotics.  I know we have to see the vet for some antibiotics here.  If you have "Melafix" try this to see if it helps.  Follow the instructions on the bottle.
Hope the little guy pulls through.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda. I've found the problem with Lucky. He is being bitten by another fish. That's probably why he has some scale missing. I love all my fish but I don't want them biting each other. I saw a huge pleco today. I call them fishzilla because of how big they grow. It was doing that thing where they stick to the tank looking for algea but I think I have got used to that now. Chance has gone blind, the poor dear. Yeah, we have to see the vet for antibiotics. for fish too. It's ridiculouse. I'm going to Blackpool for a week with college two weeks today. I've got Toby's ashes back now. My coulin has a pleco and another kind of catfish. Well she did have a pleco. she left them both with me and is picking  them up tomorrow but she will be picking one up not two. The other catfish started eating the pleco. I tried to save her by getting a net in there and seperating them with that but the pleco was dead, it was fine before that incident because sge was swimming round cleaning the floor of the tank. There was no way my fingers were going in the tank beecause the other catfish was snapping like mad and I want to keep all my fingers. The other fish are behaving. The cory got bit again today so Iput Lucky in a seperate tank so he can't be bit again. He is in another tank with a heater and a filter. I'm getting there with tropical fish and I have had no problems with Cody the Betta. He is doing great. I need to buy more food for the goldfish because I have only got flake food, I have run out of everything else goldfish like to eat. The goldfish seem to like the taste of the filter because they keep trying to eat it, sucking it and nibbling at it dispite having no teeth.
Danielle. I will let you know how Lucky does.

Hi Danielle,
Poor little cory.  I wonder if you can find Melafix in the pet stores you have where you live.  This would help him.  I have never heard of catfish attacking a pleco...seems almost impossible to me.  Maybe he died of something else.  Many people don't know that plecos need food, and don't feed them thinking that algae is enough, but it isn't.  They must have bottom food made especially for them, and they also like shrimp sticks.  The pleco might have died of starvation or another disease.  When fish pick on another fish, sometimes they know that the fish they are picking on is dying.  Are you ever having problems with your fish!  I hope that they will all be doing fine soon.  Check your tap water to see if you have ammonia, or nitrates in it.  It seldom happens, but it could be.  There is a reason why you are having so many problems, and it could stem from there.
I just want to mention that little corys should not be alone.  They love to play, and should be kept with 3 or 4...the more the merrier as far as they are
Take care, and have a nice evening.