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Golfish Fry

23 11:09:27

Hi there, thank you for your help in advance.  We just had our goldfish eggs hatch, and have educated ourselves on feeding, and separating the fry, etc.  My question is what comes next?  We have about 4 inches of water in the bowl, and have added some liquid food.  What is typical fry behavior?  They are mostly just sitting on the bottom not moving much at all.  Is this normal?

Thank You Again

Hi Jennifer,

Bowl?  The fry probably won't make it in a bowl.

They need filtration, moving water...

I don't know why bowls are sold.  Not only are they cruel to the fish, but goldfish, especially, really need filtration, because they are bigtime poopers.

I recommend getting a 10 gallon aquarium and a internal bubble filtration unit.

Heat is not necessary unless the water drops below 60F.

Feed small foods.

Add a plant or two.  They will love that.

I hope this helps and happy fish-keeping.
