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betta eyes turned white

23 15:05:26

1 and a half year old bettas eyes have turned white in the center............what do i do?

Hi Erica;

If it is inside the eye he either has cataracts or an infection. The only thing curable that can cause this is bacterial infection. Change his water frequently (twice a week), keep him very warm (82 degrees fahrenheit) and use an antibiotic called "Maracyn 2". The clean and warm water conditions will help him be stronger and the antibiotic is the type that absorbs inside the fish. Other medicines only treat the outside of the fish so they won't be effective inside.

Unfortunately, if the cause is cataracts, fungal infection or virus there is no cure for him. There is no way to tell for sure which it is. If the antibiotic works then you can assume it was bacterial. Just keep his water very clean and warm to help him fight off any possible disease.  

If the white is on the outside of the eye it is a fungus that needs treatment. Look for a remedy at your local fish store that treats fungal infection. The clean warm water is needed for it too.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins