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rolling guppy

23 11:12:57

I have several guppies, all of which seem fine except for one.  For the past five days, it cannot stay upright.  It rolls around, and it seems like its spine is curved. It manages to eat, manoeuvering around the tank when I feed them, but it is constantly rolling over and over. It is really hard to watch. Is it in pain? (Do fish feel pain?)Should it be removed from the tank?  Thanks.

The crooked spine could be from a couple of different things such as a malnutrition. Make certain that you maintain healthy water in the tank with safe parameters. Make sure that your fish are gettin the right amounts of food and proper diet. This could also be from T.B. Some times fish can live for a while after this is developed but it just doesn't seem human to watch it suffer. Guppies aren't very expensive and is an easy replacement. I hope I've helped somewhat and if you ever have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact me anytime.  Good luck. And yes fish do feel pain.