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Sick Old Goldfish

23 14:23:38

Hello, I have an 18 year old goldfish who has been sick for over 3 months now. The first sign of sickness was a swim bladder disorder.  I had a pet store check his water quality and it was o.k.  They suggested melafix and aquarium salt in his water.  I tried this and he seemed o.k. for a while and then he showed signs of dropsy.  The pet store did not have much hope for me except to try antibiotics.  He had a week of tetracycline, I did not see much difference. He had a week off and then I tried Macryn for a week along with a medicated fish food.  He had also developed a fluid filled pocket on his head which as since gone down but left a sore spot.  I am at the end of my rope and do not know what to do.  I want to help him and want him to survive however I do not want him to suffer.  He really does not swim at all anymore, he just hangs out in a little cave he likes.  He eats, however I hand feed him most of the time.  Any help you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.

Nicole,                                                      That is a great age he lived to for a tank raised goldfish.Stop medicating him. Let him just relax and enjoy the rest of his life. You have done everything you can. You are a great mommy. I hope this come to you too late, but he sounds like he is or was a very happy fishy babe.....Tina