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sick tiger oscar

23 11:44:11

I have a  tiger Oscar i bought about 2 month ago, it is about 5-6
i was feeding it comets,feeder fish dew worms and peas,chichi
pellets,all the sudden he is laying at the bottom , no energy,the stool looks like long white string, i have treated him with tank buddies, now i have tried Marcy two, this is the third day of treatment , my fish has not ate for 4 days now and still has no energy, often lays under the filter with the water flowing on him, I have him in a 55 gallon tank all by himself, now i notice his stool is like  white jelly or mucous. and still will not eat of get energy. i am wondering what you can tell me to help my fish get better.Thank you

Hi Lori,
 Sadly I get this question all too often.  You should NEVER, EVER feed feeder fish to an oscar. Feeder fish (such as goldfish) typically harbor various diseases such as ick and other parasites that quickly and easily transmit to your oscar.   The white stools indicate that your oscar has intestinal parasites. You can try the Maracyn two but the odds are not great particularly if he is not eating.  You might also try feeding him thawed frozen peas if you can get him to eat those -- they can help clear out his digestive tract.      

-- Ron
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