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flying fish

23 11:42:30

what is the kind of the fish that can fly?

Hi Merna,
 Actually there are quite a few kinds of fishes that can fly.  Some fishes simply jump out of the water and fly through the air until they fall back into the water.  Salmon or other such fishes do that. In other words, they aren't REALLY flying, just leaping through the air.  Other fishes take this a step further.  There is a family of marine fishes called Exocetidae (the flying fishes) which have enlarged pectoral fins (the fins on the side) which they spread out like wings as they leave the water. This allows them to glide for up to a quarter of a mile or more above the water.  Finally there are certain fishes, called marine hatchfishes (Gastroplecidae) which not only have the wing-like pectoral fins, but they actually "flap" them and generate some lift, i.e., they truly can fly in every sense of the word.  

-- Ron
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