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23 14:50:35

I have recently restarted my tank after relocating and I have had the tank up for a few weeks and I am now getting a white layery building up on the gravel. I had this happen before but decided not to put the tank up and discarded the contents. Now with my 55 gal tank I am seeing this again. I have Sharks barbs T and tiger and a couple Pleco's all small yet.
I had trated the water and added the atart up stuff and after a few days I added stresszyme and checked my temp thats at 78 degress and holds.

when I try to gravel clean it it floats like a particles of fluff like spec of brown and whitish and its just not safe looking to me.  I really need to find out what this is so I can treat it ASAP.  I can at worst take a photo of it to post if that helps but I at a stand still being our local dealer no nothing about it if it isn't green.

I am thankfull of any related link or descriptions and cure for this.

Worried for Fish.

hi thomas

iam not sure what it could be. just leave it alone. all you need is water conditner to treat the water, don't add other stuff like that, less chemical is better for fish. long as your fish is not acting strange or sick, they are fine.
In that case what you could do is, just do weekly water change and clean the aquarium. try to clean it every week with a gravel claner. if it get wrost. let me know

hope i helped