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betta has large growth over eye

23 14:21:22

My son's betta is around four years old. A few months ago he got popeye and we treated him with erythromycin. Now he has a large growth over one of his eyes. I keep his tank warm and he's still very active and eating.  Is there anything I can do?  I have told my children "Tiedye" is very old and there may be nothing we can do.  Thanks.

Melissa,                                                     Even if you keep them well. It is very rare for a betta to live more than five years. Though I have had a couple people come into the shop and say they have had theirs for 8. I think they have lost track of time. I think he may have another fungus. You can treat him again with erythromycin. It may clear it up and let him live the rest of his life painfree. I am sure it will clear it up. He is old though. You guys have done good. He is a happy betta. Good Luck, Tina