Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > ball or cyst on my beta tail fins

ball or cyst on my beta tail fins

23 14:21:22

We noticed the cyst growing and the fish acting normally till today. Now he or she will want to sleep alot and we notice there are no droppings anymore on the bottom of the bowl. We do keep the water clean by changing it at least one to twice a week. Is my fish clogged up?

If the ball was under his gills I'd say yes, he was constipated. But it sounds like he might have some kind of bacteria or fungus growth on his tail. Does he still eat? I'd suggest going to the store and picking up some Melafix and seeing if that medication helps shrink the cyst a bit. Melafix is a gentle all purpose treatment for Betta's. If you want to cover all your bases, buy some Pimafix as well and treat at the same time. They both should cover just about anything your fish has.

Make sure you watch and see if he's eating. It looks like you might have caught this early enough to help save your fish.