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Another lol

23 11:47:39

QUESTION: Yeah....his plants all look healthy and gorgeous lol, but I still think it's way too much for me, at least for a while.  And....I found out that he's going to be hiring sometime in the near future lol.  I was hoping to get my EMT board exams out of the way before starting another job....but I'm starting to think maybe this was why I got laid off, why I decided to start getting into the fish world....because I did truly love working at the vet, no matter how many years go by, and how I try to deny it....and maybe a pet store is the next best thing.  I saw "Now Accepting Applications" on his next time I talk to him I'm going to ask him about it.

I keep trying to catch the two smaller cory's....but they've got a ton of hiding places lol.  So I put an algae tab in the tank, hoping to catch them that way.  I just checked the levels in the betta tank, and they're perfect....finally.  Lol.  I checked the levels in the big tank also, and both nitrates and nitrites are down a smidge....not a significant difference, but I see a tiny tiny bit of improvement (or maybe it's just my eyes and brain trying to trick myself into some hope lol!!)

Aye yi's a bit stressful!!  Lol I know my upcoming EMT board exams are adding to my stress levels right now....we've got our state and national practicals on May 30th, and the written exams shortly after that....and I'm still worrying about my poor little fish!!  I've still got my fingers crossed for some sort of miracle lol....and the baby is still holding strong.  I saw her today (I can finally tell she's a female lol) chowing down on some little pieces of food that floated to the let's hope.  Lol.

ANSWER: Maybe he is looking for someone part time, that would be great, I know I would jump on that!  Many pet stores have closed here, only one standing in my part of town, and it's a family business.  I have asked the manager why so many closed, and he said that the fish were always sick, and complaints from the customers.  You see in this part of the country, when we order fish, they come by plane, stop in Montreal which is 400 miles away, then they make the rest of the trip by bus, so you can imagine, that they arrive here sick.  When I worked there, we would go get them in Montreal so they would save that horrible bus trip which sometimes they would only arrive the next day.  In the winter, imagine the not too many pet stores want to do this, so lost their name, and went down the hole.  You would be amazed at what money you can make with fish.  Just to give you an idea, Bettas cost them anywhere from 10 cents to 25 cents each depending on how many they order.  Poor things, that was the worse part in the pet shop to see these poor fish arrive in little tiny bags of 1 square inch each.  We had to peddle quickly to put them in decent bowls.  We had nice big bowls for them, ready, but had to treat them for stress as soon as they arrived.  Many fish die in the shipment.  This guy in town buys only from breeders, so he has it made.  I love breeding them, but hate selling them, I would keep them all if I could.  They give me 2.00 each for my angels, and other fish, and sell them 12.00 so you can see the profit.  There is really no money in breeding, but I love it.  
The little corys are hard to catch, if you can't catch them, put the pleco in.  He's easy enough to catch.  I pick them up with my hands, no
I know this process will be slow, but you will get there, and maybe today, he will sell fish.  I know that Sunday was a big day for us, so keeping my fingers crossed too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yeah I'm pretty sure he buys all his fish from breeders too....they just look so much healthier, happier, are more active....I'm hoping something works out. And I'll would be a lot of fun to work at that pet store. Its small, but not too small, and he just seems like a super nice guy. We will see. Ok, I'm off to search for either the cory's or the pleco lol....theres tons of hiding spots in that big tank!!

I'm sure he takes very good care of his aquariums.  Some pet stores are really bad at keeping their aquariums clean.  Some have water systems, that sound great, but if disease crawls into one aquarium, all the aquariums get the disease.  This guy seems to be really nice, and knows what he's doing.  I would always buy my fish from someone like him.  Those pet stores are hard to find!
Good Luck trying to catch your corys...don't stress them