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wrong chemical???

23 15:10:34

tank is 260litre established jewel tank consisting of many fish mainly mollies, zebras, neons and a variety of tetras.  Upon purchasing further mollies and neons, a fungus type growth appeared on some of the mollies and a couple of neons died.  I treated the tank with the pond version of myazin (waterlife) as my tank is so large it would have worked out very expensive to treat with the tropical version of this product.  Although I adjusted the dosage to my tank I since have had about 10 fish die, showing absolutely no physical symptoms at all...  this has been within a couple of days after treating with this chemical for 4 consecutive days.. Could the chemical be the cause? even after changing fifty per cent water every day fish continue to die.... please help..


Hi David;

I don't know what this medication is, but I suspect it just isn't treating the infection. The fish have a fungus type growth that can attack the gills called saprolegnia. You may not see it on the bodies, but it will suffocate them from being on the gills. Find a medication with malachite green and also add aquarium salt. One teaspoon of salt per gallon is a good dose. It helps the fish heal and will weaken the fungus.

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Chris Robbins

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