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finless beta

23 15:07:19

my poor beta ,floppy,is only 5 months old and she has a major fin problem. her fins are completely gone now and she floats side ways. we have been treating her with "para guard" for 3 weeks and it not helping at all. she has a strong will to live and we just want her to get better. will her fins eventually grow back and what do you suggest that we do or give to her to help her heal.

Hi kpw;

Did floppy have pretty long fins before?
(Only the males have long fins, females have short fins.)
What temperature is the water?
Are there other fish in the tank?
What size tank?
How often do you change water?

In the meantime, make a 25% water change or if the tank is small change all the water. Don't use the Paraguard anymore. It is for parasites and parasites don't cause the fins to rot away. It may actually be burning her even more and causing more trouble. The only products you should use right now are 2 things; Water conditioner and Melafix. The water conditioner should be one that helps the fish with stress as well as conditioning the water during a water change. The Melafix has natural ingredients that inhibit infection and helps fins to grow back without burning or hurting the fish further like traditional medicines can.

Let me know as soon as you can about the additional info I needed.....

Chris Robbins