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Bettas fins withering, Loss of appetite, & large breath intakes

23 13:57:15

Nick, I am a desperate woman. I've researched and researched to find numerous things that "could" possibly be wrong with my betta fish. I've had him for about 6 months and up until recently he started looking white. Pet store said it was body fungus. Changed him to a bigger bowl of 1 gallon for more oxygen and started medicating him with Maracyn. He seemed to get worse. Not only was he white, but he stopped eating completely, hung out at the bottom, and would go up for air and float back down. Read up on all that and found maybe ammonia poisoning? Bought betta oxygenated water, water conditioner, and "Betta Revive", moved him to a smaller bowl so the distance to get air is shorter and to a warmer part of my apt. HE LOOKS MISERABLE. Hangs at the bottom, fins withering, taking big gasps of air. Now is it fin rot??? SO CONFUSED!

It's ammonia poisoning.

There isn't really a product to fix, it companies make all those things to get an extra profit off people who don't know what they are doing (no offense).

In a 1 gallon bowl, you really should not be keeping anything, it is much too small for even a shrimp.

If you want your betta to live even half a normal life, all you need is to increase your water changes. No products to buy, just increase your water changes. IDeally change 75% of the water every other day for the next little while. Then you can move to 80% twice a week.

Oh, and there is no point buying the oxygenated water. Another marketing ploy. See, bettas are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe oxygen directly from the air. They could be living in water with absilutely no oxygen at all and they could still breathe from the surface and be just as happy about it.

The water conditioner is good, but the betta revive is also useless.
