Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Hi Chris; My male Betta appears...

Hi Chris; My male Betta appears...

23 14:59:46

Hi Chris;  My male Betta appears to be fine now thank you for answering my problem.I have another question.I got a female Betta,two Neon Tetras and a baby ghost shrip.Every time the male Betta goes near the female Betta their gills pop out.They're all in the same tank together.Can you please help me?          Thanks

Hi Steven;

Male and female bettas should be kept separate unless they are expected to be in the act of spawning. Once finished spawning they have to be separated again. They can injure each other or kill each other if left together. It's just their nature. The male cares for the eggs and babies until they swim away from the nest and he will literally try to kill any fish that comes near, including the mother because she eats babies and eggs. No maternal instincts in bettas, that's for sure!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins