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Beta injury

23 14:57:33

We recently added some guppies with the beta eventually they died from another fish I believe attacked them. We have a bottom feeder but I just realized he is an alage eater. I think he attached himself to my beta on the right side above his gill(on his head). It seems as though he has some scales and skin missing(small area).  Can he heal from this and what do I need to add to the tank for treatment.I think he is stressed because all he does pretty much is stay on the bottom. I did remove the alage eater, so now he is by himself.  HELP!  

Hi Shane;

Make a 25% water change to help him feel better. Fresh water helps healing too. Bettas and guppies really are not compatable. A betta will attack guppies because their tails resemble other bettas. The poor guppies are just not equipped for that kind of aggression.

If he is spending a lot of time on the bottom he may have a damaged swim bladder. Here is info about that;

Here are more betta pages about care and illness in case you need it;

I hope he feels better soon.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins