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Hole in the head?

23 15:03:28

Hi I have a 3 year old Oscar and a 1 year old Oscar.  The last few days I have noticed what looks like small white holes on the head of my eldest oscar.  I read on the web that is was possibly hole-in-the-head disease.  I live in a small town and the pet store hasn't been much help.  If it is hole-in-the-head I was wondering what would be the best treatment.  He is still eating normally but the younger one has been acting lathargic.  That one is an albino and I am having a hard time getting a good look at it's head, but it is still eating good.  Just not as active.  Any help and advice would be great.  Thank you for your time and concideration.


Hi Twyla,
 The absolute best thing you can do to help with hole in the head is to do more frequent partial water changes.  As you have noticed, oscars eat a lot and they tend to be messy eaters. This puts a lot of organic material into the water.  It is likely that these organics are what is aggravating the fish and causing hole in the head.  I strongly recommend that if possible, you change 25% of the water in the tank, EVERY week.
This is your best course of action.  

I do not recommend changing more than that amount at once. In other words, changing 50% every other week is not the same as 25% every week.

-- Ron
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