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Mollie with pop-eye

23 14:37:32

One of my Mollies has a large belly and one popped-eye.  She is in a 125 gal. aquarium with neons, 3 angels, platies, corys, and 3 other mollies, and a few other fish. The popped-eye is a recent discovery.  Can you offer any suggestions about how to treat her condition?  

Is the aquarium 125 Gallons? Don't you mean litres? 125 Gallons is very big, around 8 or 9 foot long...?
The Pop-Eye is actually a kidney infection, and is not usually fatal but the fish could lose his eye. One of my fishes has Pop-Eye just now too.
Do regular water changes (30 percent twice a week) and if possible ask for a Pop-Eye treatment at your local fish shop. Just make sure she is not being bullied etc. Apart from that, there is little you can do but wait.
Large Bellies can be a range of things, from Abdominal Dropsy, to pregnancy. The most obvious of things is overfeeding. Feed your fish just once a day with a variety of food such as bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia as well as flake food.
If she has sores on her body too, as well as raised scales, it could be Abdominal Dropsy. Unfortunately, there is no cure to this, just feed her peas. If she does have Abdominal Dropsy, there is a chance she will die, but an equal chance she will live.
Good luck,