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my biOrb

23 14:59:30

Hello Chris, I purchased a biOrb tank about 5 months ago. It is a 30 litre coldwater tank, it is very clean, and I am experiencing no problems at all with it. I have followed all the manufacturers instructions etc, and am quite confident that the fish are healthy and happy. All I would like to know is how many fish I can safely keep in the tank. I have curently got 3 small orandas, and a black moor living in the tank. I do not plan on adding any more fish, but would like to know if the four fish I have, have enough space.

Thankyou for your help,
I look forward to your reply.

Hi Anthony;

Unfortunately the tank really isn't even big enough to support one goldfish. Goldfish are messy fish that get to be 8 inches long and larger in just body length, not counting the tail. Goldfish need 40 liters (or about 10 gallons) for each fish. To keep them doing okay until you can get them a bigger tank, make a 25% water change at least once a week, vacuum the gravel every 2 weeks and feed very sparingly. Here is more about goldfish and their needs;

I hope everything turns out okay.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins