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he is still eating help me please!

23 11:46:53

Ok, I did what you suggested, got a bigger tank, lots of water changes, continued with coppersafe.  I want him to get better or die.  This is awful.  I can't seem to cure him.  He eats heartily every day two times.   His eye is getting worse.  Popeye is really bad.  I wanted to try gram positive antibiotics.  Like ampicillin.  Can't get 'em anywhere.  I can't euthenize him.  That is not an option for me.  How else can I make him comfortable.  He eats everyday but doesn't do much else.  I want to try a strong antibiotic.  Popeye is what I need to treat far and foremost.  It is really bad!   Tell me if there are any other options.  He is trying so hard to survive.   I don't want to fail him.   There must be something else I can do to reduce the swelling in his eye.  He is trying to recover from fin rot as well.  This is too sad.  I wish I knew more.  Anything you can suggest would be most appreciated.  I have had dogs and cats, goldfish and an iguana, always seemed to diagnose them easily.  Bettas are difficult to diagnose.  This is too hard.  Help me please!  Regards, Anne Christine

Hi Christine,
Bad water quality is the main cause to these diseases.  It is so important to change a Betta's water every week.  Bettas are not hard to keep once you know how to keep them.  Good quality food, and varied diet, also help keep them strong, and healthy.  I am so happy that he is eating.  A very sick betta will not eat.
Maracyn two is a broad-spectrum antibiotic for internal, and external gram negative bacterial infections which can be absorbed through the skin.  It is good for fin, and tail rot, popeye, and gill disease.  The active ingredient is Mincyline Hydrochlor.  Kanacyn is also very good for popeye, but this too, may be hard to find.  Popeye is usually not fatal.  Fin and tail rot is curable.  I would go with Maracyn two.  The coppersafe may be left in his water, there is no danger mixing these two medications together as long as your water is very clean.
I hope this helps, and that the little guy will pull through.