Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > is my molly pregnant?

is my molly pregnant?

23 11:29:30

QUESTION: hello,
thank you for your help.....
i think my molly is pregnant and lately has been staying at the bottom of the tank. is she pregnant? is she giving birth? (she does swim around as well- but recently on occasion has been found sitting at the bottom of the tank
thanks again

ANSWER: well is she eating?
is she fat, not just fatter than HUGE, looking like she will pop!?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for replying
shes eating, and shes a little chubby, not huge. but she stays at the bottom of the tank occasionally?

when they are pregnant they get massive..they look like they will pop and sometimes they go a little sqaured shape..then they give birth to about 30 fry

if she is about to give birth she will USUALLY hide and not eat..or swim round alot and not eat..doesnt sound like she is pregnant..or she may be pregnant but not to far gone :)