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My pearlscale Goldfish Fat Fat

23 13:55:27

QUESTION: my grandmother has a fish tank of about 150 gallons and she has lots of fish in it from crabs, frogs, tiger barbs, neons, black moors, huge snails, gourami's(i know i spelled it wrong) and others but when i put my Pearlscale goldfish Fat Fat in the tank with the others they started bullying him and i dont want him to die so please tell me what to do to save my baby!

ANSWER: Take him back out. Goldfish should not be housed in the same tank with tropical fish anyway. They are too slow swimming, need a cooler temperature, and eat different food from tropical fish - there is basically no reason to put him in there. Buy a 20 gallon tank with a high powered filter - preferably paired with an under gravel filter, keep the temp around 68-72 degrees, and feed only soaked goldfish pellets/flakes once daily.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I will do that. Is it okay to put her in the tank with my sisters goldfish at home? She has one black bubble eye, a telecope, and a fantail. Will they get along in a 10 gal. Tank together?

While goldfish always get along just fine with each other, I'm afraid that a ten gallon is simply going to be much too small for four goldfish! (Really, it's too small for one) Here is why, so you can understand that I'm really not trying to dampen your day but rather trying to help you become a better fish keeper, understand the needs of your adopted fish, and learn more about these unique creatures you've invited into your home.
For one, goldfish - at least - the kinds you and your sister both have (fancy) will grow to be at least 6 inches long each. That may not sound like much, but try picking up a ruler, putting your hand at the six inch mark, and imagine trying to keep four fish of this size in such a small tank. A great rule of thumb to stick by to help avoid overstocking goldfish is to have 20 gallons for the first goldfish, and add ten gallons for each goldfish thereafter. So, really, you should have a 50 gallon tank at MINIMUM in order to keep four goldfish (Or two 30 gallon tanks)
Second, while I realize they are probably much smaller now, you should know that they are only babies. Goldfish do not reach adulthood until they hit about 3 years of age! And goldfish can live for upwards of 12 years! So, having a goldfish last for one or two years is truly not enough, as they have not even become adults yet.The longest living recorded goldfish was 80 years old.
Lastly, if you know anything about fish keeping, you'll know that all fish produce ammonia, and that ammonia is toxic to fish, which is why we have specific guidelines about when to add fish to the tank, and how many. Frequent water changes are key to a healthy tank full of healthy fish, as this removes the toxic, stale water, and replaces it with fresh, clean water full of the vitamins and minerals they need to survive. Goldfish, are considered very dirty fish, not because of their physical appearance, but because they eat so much and process their food so quickly, they produce twice as much ammonia as other fish, and faster. Which is another important reason you need especially larger tanks for goldfish, and very high powered professional filters.
I hope this has helped you to better understand the needs of your fish. Best of luck to you and Fat Fat! :)