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Beta fish water

23 14:39:03

After about a week, the water turns a little cloudy. I put BettaFix Remedy and BettaSafe to treat water. It is in about a 3 pint vase with colored marbles. It sits on a desk near a north facing window. No direct sunlight. I only feed it about 6 betta bites a day.

There can be lots of different causes for cloudy water. Follow this advice and it should disappear.
Raise the temperature of the tank to 28C. They prefer warmer temperatures in the tank.
I recommend testing your tank water.
You can buy test kits at fish shops. I would recommend buying nitrite, ammonia and nitrate test kits. The ammonia and nitrite should both be 0.0, even 0.1 can be harmful. If they are not 0.0, do 40 percent water changes twice a week to lower it.
The nitrate should be under 20ppm. If it is over that, try putting in some live plants to help reduce it. Live plants will also help oxygenate the water, so I recommend buying some of them anyway, even if your nitrate is ok.
Bettas, although they can live in small tanks, still need at least 5 Gallons to be happy. If you do not upgrade your tank soon, he will probably get ill, and you will have health problems throughout his life. I recommend looking on Ebay for cheap, good quality tanks.
Do regular water changes of 30 percent twice a week. They need a filter, which I assume is not provided in a vase.
They also like warmer water, around 28C is a good temperature for them.
The best thing to do is buy a bigger tank, no fish likes living in a vase, even Bettas.
Good luck,