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I think something is wrong with my male Betta

23 14:39:04

When I went to feed my Betta this morning, I noticed that he seems to be leaning to one side when he swims and he might be having a little trouble staying away from the top of his very large bowl. I hate to see him like this. Is there anything I can do to make him better?

Your Betta has probably simply swallowed to much air, which is causing abnormal buoyancy, like he is wearing armbands, which prevents him from swimming to the lower reaches of the tank. The best and easiest way to treat and prevent this, it to crush his flake food into the water, not let it float. Also, give him a varied diet, of bloodworm, brineshrimp and daphnia, as well as his normal flake food. I would also give him some shelled and boiled peas, as well as some cucumber. Only give him small amounts once a week though.
When this is done, he should soon be back to normal.
Thanks for asking, and good luck.
Best wishes,