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sick or dying - can something be done

23 14:50:59

We have had our betta which I named sushi for about 2 months.  We keep him in a good sized vase and change the water with spring water about once a week.  We feed him 8 pieces of dried betta food twice a day.  For the past 2 weeks he has not been eating much and is losing his color. Also he is very unresponsive.

Hello Bethany-

I would recommend halving his food portions - 4 pieces twice a day should be plenty. He could be suffering from so much food passing through his system (their stomachs are only about twice the size of their eyes.) Secondly, is his water being kept warm enough? Now that it's summer, a lot of bettas are exposed to air conditioning, which can drastically alter their mood, appetite, and especially their coloration. Try setting him near a lamp or outside during the day - Bettas do best between 75-85 F.

Hope this is helpful - If his water is already heated and he does not improve after being fed smaller portions, feel free to write back with details and I'll try to help you!

-Amber Worman