Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > betta red eye

betta red eye

23 11:14:14

QUESTION: hi i bought my male betta fish the other day and i put him in a small flower vase
for now until i buy tank, and earlier today i found him out of his bowl and was
on my floor. so i thought he was dead but he wasnt so my mom put him in his
vase and now he has a red eye. how can i get that redness away from him

ANSWER: Kevin,

The only thing that belongs in a vase is a flower. You need to get him a tank as soon as you can. Betta's do jump and if their home is not big enough that is all they will do. Please, if you cannot get him a tank now, I would take him back to the store you bought him at. The smallest size tank he should be in is 2 and 1/5 gallons, but 5 gallons is better. If his eye is red, that means he is bleeding. How is he swimming, eating and breathing? I would put him in a 1 gallon container with warm water and add a teaspoon of aquarium salt. Then I would get a medication called Bettafix or an antibiotic and follow the directions on the bottle. When you buy a fish, never leave the store without the right equipment needed for that fish. You also need to buy him a heater and set it to 82 degrees. Betta's are tropical and need warm water. Please, let me know how he is swimming, eating, and breathing as soon as you can. Thanks.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He really doesn't eat the three pebbles I give him, I will eat one and that's it, and his redness in the eye has gone away little by little but right now he swiming good, but his left eye is lager than his other one, but tomorow I'm goin to buy him a tank and all the things I need because today I just got paid ,I'm not sure if his Appetite, or if its the food, because i bought other pebbles because the last one was goin to finish, so I feed him two different pebbles


It is good to feed him a variety of food. Pellets, flakes. frozen and freeze dried blood worms and brine shrimp. Is his left eye the one he injured? If so, just add a little bit of aquarium salt to his water. One teaspoon to one gallon of warm water.Make sure you dissolve it in warm conditioned water before you add it to his tank. If you just put it in without dissolving you will burn your fish. He is most likely not eating because of the shock of jumping out of his vase. We don't know how long he was out of the water so his body is trying to recover. I would give him a few days and see if he starts eating again. If after the few days he hasn't eaten just let me know.