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Betta with Body Slime and Eye Cloud

23 11:05:55


My betta seems to have body slime and eye cloud or possibly a protozoan parasite, which causes a greyish layer of mucous.  Either of those describe what my fish looks like.  It appears to only affect his head, face, and eyes.  His eyes seem to be protruding a little, which seems to be a part of the "body slime and eye cloud" issue as opposed to just having pop eye.  I am treating him with API's T. C. Tetracycline (supposed to treat "body slime & eye cloud" and simultaneously with Quick Cure which says it treats the protozoan parasites.  I've given him 3 doses of the Tetracycline and the last 2 days also with Quick Cure (formalin and malachite green)so he should get better whether it's a bacteria or a parasite.  The last time I had my betta on the Tetracycline for a different issue, he started improving immediately.  Any idea of how long it should take for my betta to start improving or do you have suggestions for a potentially better medication?  Am I just being impatient?  


If you are not positive that he has parasites then you should not be treating for it. Only treat fish for diseases or injuries that you know are there. That being said, no medication is a quick fix or cure. It took him some time to get this way, it will take a little time to get him on the road to recovery. The signs of parasites are scratching on the gravel and decorations, long white stringy poop, and actually being able to see the parasites. If he is not showing any of the signs, I would stop that medication. Just treat for the illness that you are sure he has.