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Todays the day.

23 11:45:42

Hi Lynda. Today is the day. My 23rd birthday. Where has a year gone? One year has just shot by at 100 miles an hour like a roller coaster called Rita queen of speed. The Betta died. He didn't show any signs of being sick and he was eating fine. He was going crazy for his food. I'm on a lunch break now. I'm the centre of attention today. I've got lots of cards. One of the staff said she has got a surprise for me at her house. I wonder what that could be?  Do you know whast fish I have fallen in love with? The Neon tetra and Silver shark. Neon tetra's are so colourful and pretty. There is a silver shark at college. The one I told you about and he is lovely. He plays with me. I mention a part of the tank and he goes right over to it. He even responds to me talking to him in his own little way. I call him Sharky. I can't think of anything else to call him but he loves me. If you like animals I am friends with a Wienmarana puppy called Cordy. He is lovely. He nips but he is a puppy and doesn't know but I'm working on the nipping. It will hurt when he grows. I love him.

Happy Birthday Danielle,
I hope you had a wonderful birthday filled with love, and nice surprises.  Time does fly, and when you get older you wonder where all the years went, so take full advantage of them while you are young!  I hope that this year will bring you only good things Danielle, only the best.
As for your betta, I know you took good care of him, so it must have been old age.  We do not know their age when we buy them at the pet store unfortunately, but if he just passed away without any sign, then it has to be old age.
Again, have a great day, and take care.