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My molly is pregnant?

23 13:59:22

I have a 10 gallon tank filled with 4 mollies (2 females:Dalmation,Creamsicle/2 males:Black,Silver). We have had the tank for about a week and a half and we have a topfin (filter 20) filter. Water changes are made every 1 or 2 weeks. My question is if my creamsicle lyertail molly is pregnant or not. She doesn't have any swelling above, but her stomach drops below (as if she swallowed something heavy and it's weighing her stomach down) she is swimming fine and looks healthy. Could you also include some pics of pregnant lyertail mollies?
Thanks so much, your site is great.

If there is a male in the tank, she is pregnant.

Here's a pregnant one (copy and paste into your browser)-

Also, your tank is not cycled, so you will have to be doing 25% water changes every other day for the next 2 weeks or so.

After that you can resume doing 30% weekly. If you get more fish though you'll have to step it up to 25% twice weekly.
