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oscars eyes

23 14:26:33

My tank has been set up for 4 months
How big:15cm
What type of fish:Oscar
how many:1
type of filter:Eheim 2026
change 20% of water every week
how much water:200 litres

My oscars eyes are bad, it as if he is squinting his eyelids are nearly closed. It is on both of his eyes and he has a small white spot on both too. He is swimming around and eating fine though. This has only happened recently about a week and a half ago.I also have a jewel and a two bristlenoses in the tank. Your help would be much appreciated. Cheers

Hello Angus.

First of all, your tank isnt cycled. He could be suffering from nitrite poisoning. Keep doing about 10% water changes every day untill the nitrites dissapear

About your oscar, i would not be able to tell without a picture, im sorry.